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Asist. cerc. Drd Andrei Nicoara PDF Print E-mail
Written by Florian Bodescu   
Friday, 13 February 2009



Name, Surname Nicoară Andrei 
Address Sos Pantelimon, Nr 350, Bl 4, sc 4, ap 124, Bucharest, Romania 
Telephone 0040727806906 
E-mail  This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it  
Nationality Romanian 
Date of birth 03/04/85 
Country Romania 
Work experience 
Dates (from – to) Nov 2007 -  May 2009                             
Name and address of employer University  of Bucharest, Faculty of Biology, MICROGEN Research Centre 
Type of business or sector Research, Biology 
Occupation or position held Research assistant 
Main activities and responsibilities Studies on biodegrading microorganisms isolated from hidrocarbon-polluted environments – polyphasic taxonomy, biodiversity, evaluating biodegradation capabilities of microorganisms.Research activities finalized with the publication of two abstracts in an internatonal conference abstract book. 
Dates (from – to) May 2009  - present 
Name and address of employer University  of Bucharest, Faculty of Biology, CESEC Research Centre 
Type of business or sector Research, Biology 
Occupation or position held Research assistant 
Main activities and responsibilities Ecotoxicology – studies on the diversity and physiology of microorganisms and plants growing in polluted environments. Bioremediation studie 
Education and training 
• Dates (from – to) 2007 - 2009 
• Name and type of organization providing education and training University of bucharest, Faculty of Biology 
• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Genetics, Microbiology and Biotechnology 
• Title of qualification awarded Master's diploma 
• Level in national classification (if appropriate) Master Studies 
• Dates (from – to) 2003 - 2007 
• Name and type of organization providing education and training University of bucharest, Faculty of Biology 
• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Biology 
• Title of qualification awarded Biologist bachelor's diploma 
• Level in national classification (if appropriate) Long term higher education 
• Dates (from – to) 1999 - 2003 
• Name and type of organization providing education and training Gr Sc Ind Republica - High-school 
• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Mathematics – Informatics 
• Title of qualification awarded High-school leaving  diploma 
• Level in national classification (if appropriate) Upper secondary education – General education 

A. Articles in ISI rated  journals :

Enache –Soare S., Stoica I., Pelinescu D., Chifiriuc C., Nicoara A., Vassu-Dimov T., 2008, Virulence factors in Candida albicans and Candida parapsilopsis species and minimal inhibitory concentration for fluconazole,  Roum. Biotechnol. Lett., vol 13, no.5, p.3898-3906

B. Abstracts Internaţional:

Nicoara A., Ionescu R., Vassu T., Nohit A.-M., Pelinescu D., Csutak O., Negruta O., Matei F., Stoica I., 2008, Preliminary analysis in microbiological bioremediation of dinitrophenol pesticides–polluted soil, 4th European BioRemediation Conference, Book of Abstracts, Chania, Crete, Greece, September 3-6, 2008, p.89.

Ionescu R., Vassu T., Nohit A.-M., Nicoara A., Pelinescu D., Soare S., Sasarman E., Avram I., Stoica I., 2008, Molecular analysis on bacterial strains isolated from oil and oil-polluted soil, 4th European BioRemediation Conference, Book of Abstracts, Chania, Crete, Greece, September 3-6, 2008, p.123.

In Romania:

Csutak O., Vassu T., Ionescu R., Stoica I., Nicoara A., Enache-Soare S., Tanase A-M, Negruta O., Pelinescu D., Ghindea R., Avram I., 2008, Studii de biologie moleculară asupra unor tulpini de microorganisme utilizate în obţinerea de biopreparate cu acţiune antifungică, Workshop „Biopreparatele microbiene – cale alternativă pentru tratamentele chimice”; 11 Aug 2008, Centrul de Biochimie aplicata si Biotehnologie Bucuresti (BIOTEHNOL), USAMVB, Bucuresti

II. Research projects. Member of the research team

 PN2 BIOTECH 2476  2007-2010 “ Investigarea, monitorizarea si decontaminarea chimica si (micro)biologica a poluantilor organici majori de tipul dinitrofenol-derivatilor din mediul ambiant”( The investigation, monitoring and chemical and (micro)biologic decontamination of major organic dinitrophenol-derivate pollutants ) Conducator Centrul de Biotehnologii Microbiene Bucuresti-BIOTEHGEN

FP7  Nr. 226870  GA090528, “Using  microbes for the regulation of  of heavy metal mobility at ecosystem and landscape scale”, coordibated by Prof.Dr. Erika Kothe from Firedrich Schiller Universitat  Jena

III. International conferences attended

4th European BioRemediation Conference, Chania, Crete, Greece, Septembrie 3-6, 2008

9th  Sanierungs kolloquium, Jena, Germany, 2009

Last Updated ( Saturday, 28 November 2009 )
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