Adresa: Universitatea din Bucureşti, Facultatea de Biologie, Spl. Independentei 91-95, 050095 Bucuresti, Romania Contact: Tel/fax.: +40 21 3181510 CV pdf Lista de publicații pdf Cercetare: Munca mea in cercetare a abordat : - ciclarea si efectele metalelor, inclusiv semnificatia lor pentru factorii de decizie (evaluarea riscului, managementul zonelor contaminate). - managementul capitalului natural la nivel local si regional (proiectare retelelor ecologice in sisteme fluviale, evaluarea resurselor si serviciilor naturale si proiectarea planurilor de restaurare)
- modele matematice integrate in biogeochimia metalelor, conceptul de management integrat al mediului, constrangeri socio-economice asupra implementarii unui management integrat al mediului - conceptul de ierarhie de sisteme in ecologie - aspecte ontologice si epistemice, modele teoretice, relatia cu teoriile evolutioniste
Cărţi şi capitole:
Neagoe Aurora, Iordache Virgil, Ileana Farcasanu, 2012, The Role of Organic Matter in the Mobility of Metals in Contaminated Sites, in Kothe E, Varma A (Eds) Biogeointeractions in contaminated soils, Springer Jianu Denisa, Iordache Virgil, Barbara Soara, Lucian Petrescu, Aurora Neagoe, Cezar Iacob, Răzvan Orza, 2012, The Role of Mineralogy and Geochemistry in Hazard Potential Assessment of Mining Areas, in Kothe E, Varma A (Eds) Biogeointeractions in contaminated soils, Springer Farcasanu Ileana, Matache Mihaela, Aurora Neagoe, Virgil Iordache, 2012, Hyperaccumulation: a Key to Heavy Metal Bioremediation, in Kothe E, Varma A (Eds) Biogeointeractions in contaminated soils, Springer Iordache Virgil, E. Kothe, A. Neagoe, F. Gherghel, 2011, A conceptual framework for up-scaling ecological processes and application to ectomycorrhizal fungi, in Rai M., Varma A. (ed.) Diversity and Biotechnology of Ectomycorrhiza, Springer Mircea Flonta, Laurentiu Staicu, Virgil Iordache (eds.), 2010, Darwin și gândirea evoluționistă, Ed. Pelican, Giurgiu, ISBN 978-973-1993-15-7 Capitol de autor: Reconstrucția obiectelor productive din "Originea Speciilor" Iordache Virgil Creatie si evolutie, in pregatire Iordache, Virgil, 2009, Conceptul general de evolutie, in Staicu L. (editor) Rationalitate si evolutie: explorari filosofice ale complexitatii, Ed. Universităţii din Bucureşti, 83-155 Iordache Virgil, 2009, Ecotoxicologia metalelor grele in lunca Dunarii, Ed. Ars Docendi, Bucureşti Iordache Virgil, 2008, Explorari dincolo de individualism si holism, Ed. Ars. Docendi, Bucureşti Iordache Virgil (coord.), 2008, Biologia ca forma a culturii, Ed. Ars Docendi, Bucureşti Bloesch, J., D. Gutcknecht, Virgil Iordache 2005, Hydrology and Limnology - Another Boundery in the Danube River Basin, IHP VI - Technical documents in hydrology, UNESCO, Paris Meixner H., Schnauder I., Bolscher J, Virgil Iordache (Eds.), 2005, Hydraulic, Sedimentological and Ecological Problems of Multifunctional Riparian Forest Management - RipFor Guidelines for End-Users, Berliner Geographische Abhandlungen Heft 66, ISBN3-88009-067-x Vadineanu A., Cristofor S., Iordache Virgil, Biodiversity changes in the lower Danube river system, In B. Gopal, W. J. Junk and J. A. Davis (eds.), Biodiversity in Wetlands: Assessment, Function and Conservation, pp. 29-63. Backhuys Publishers, 2001.
Articole: Neagoe A, Iordache V, Bergaman H, Kothe E, 2013, Patterns of effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on plants grown in contaminated soil, J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci, on-line first Iordache V, Gherghel F, Kothe E, 2009, Assessing the Effect of Disturbances on Diversity of Ectomycorrhiza. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 6(2):414-432 Iordache Virgil, 2009, Pentru un decizionism altruist, Sfera Politicii, 131-132, 114-117 Iordache Virgil , S. Ion, A. Pohoaţă, Integrated modeling of metals biogeochemistry: potential and limits, Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry, 69, pp. 125-169, 2009. Neagoe A., D. Merten, Virgil Iordache , G. Buechel. The effect of bioremediation methods involving different degrees of soil disturbance on the export of metals by leaching and by plant uptake. Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry, 69, pp. 57-73, 2009. Iordache Virgil 2007, Ecologismul rezonabil, Sfera Politicii, 126-127, 127-130 Pinay G., Gumiero B. Tabacchi E. Gimenez O. Planty-Tabacchi A. M., Hefting M., Burt T., Black V., Nilsson C. Iordache Virgil , Bureau F. Vought L., Petts G., Décamps H. . Patterns of denitrification rates in European alluvial soils under various hydrological regimes. Freshwater Biology, 52, pp. 252-266, 2007. Iordache Virgil , Bodescu F., Dumitru M. . Elements sustaining the lobby for the restoration of the Big Island of Braila (Danube floodplain). Arch. Fur Hydrobiologie. Suppl. , 158/1-4 (Large Rivers 15/1-4), pp. 677-692, 2005. Iordache Virgil , Bodescu F. . Emergent properties of the Lower Danube River System: consequences for the integrated monitoring system. Arch. Fur Hydrobiologie. Suppl. , 158 (Large Rivers 16), pp. 95-128, 2005. Iordache Virgil 2004, Constitutia din punct de vedere al ecologiei umane, Sfera Politicii, 106, 29-32
Manuale: Iordache Virgil 2006, Lucrări practice de ecologie, on line Georgescu, D., V. Iordache, M. Botezatu, 2001, Ecologie umană, Ed. Ars Docendi, 241pp, ISBN 973-8118-68-9 Cristofor S., Virgil Iordache , A. Vadineanu, 1999, Analiza funcţionala a sistemelor ecologice, în “Dezvoltarea Durabila – metode şi instrumente”, vol 2., Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 227-251, ISBN 973-575-333-2 Popescu, A., Stănescu S., Popovici C., Iordache V., 1996, Biochimie generale – travaux pratiques, Litografia UPB, 54pp Popescu A., Iordache M.C., Iordache V., 1996, Biochimie generală – îndrumar de lucrări practice, Litografia UPB, 64pp Studii în volume ale unor conferinţe internaţionale şi naţionale (cu ISSN sau ISBN) A) congrese/conferinte/simpozioane organizate de federatii sau foruri stiintifice internationale recunoscute, B) conferinte/simpozioane nationale cu participare internatională (board si autori) organizate de foruri stiintifice recunoscute sau de institutii de invătământ superior recunoscute C) conferinte/simpozioane nationale organizate de foruri stiintifice sau profesionale. Titlu, autori, an | Tip | Iordache V., Neagoe A., Bergmann H., Kothe E., Buechel G., 2006, “Factors influencing the export of metals by leaching in bioremediation experiments. 23. Arbeitstagung in Jena, Lebensnotwendigkeit und Toxizität der Mengen-, Spuren- und Ultraspurenelemente, 288-295, ISBN 3-929526-85-9, ISSN 1430-9637 | A | Neagoe A., V. Iordache, René Mascher, B. Knoch, E. Kothe, H. Bergmann, 2006, “Lysimeters experiment using soil from a heavy metals contaminated area”, 23. Arbeitstagung in Jena, Lebensnotwendigkeit und Toxizität der Mengen-, Spuren- und Ultraspurenelemente, Friedrich - Schiller Universität, 568-575, ISBN 3-929526-85-9, ISSN 1430-9637 | A | Iordache, V., F. Bodescu, 2004, Emergent properties of the Lower Danube River System: the consequences for the integrated monitoring system (extended abstract), Internat. Assoc. Danube Res., 35, 101-108, ISBN 86-82259-33-8 | A | Neagoe, A., R. Mascher, V. Iordache, K. Voigt, B. Knoch, H. Bergman, 2004, The influence of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza Glomus intraradiceae on mustard (Sinapis alba L.) grown on a soil contaminated with heavy metals, Mengen und Spuren Elemente, 22, 597-606 | A | Iordache, V., E. Kothe, 2004, Systems biology: a strategic European priority underpinning the ecotoxicological and nutrional risk assessment, Mengen und Spuren Elemente, 22, 1112-1117, ISBN 3-929526-79-4, ISSN 1430-9637 | A | Neagoe, A., V. Iordache, T. Altorfer, 2002, Risk sources due to metals in the Danube floodplain, Mengen und Spuren Elemente, 21, 77-82 | A | Neagoe, A., V. Iordache, T. Altorfer. M. Anke, 2000, Die Spurenelemente Mangan, Zink, Kupfer und Molybdän in der Nahrungskett des Menschen eines teerbelasteten Lebensraumes (Rositz, Thüringen), Mengen-, Spuren- und Ultraspurenelemente in der Pravention, 16: 45-53 | A | Vadineanu, A., M. Constantinescu, S. Cristofor, A. Varduca, C. David, V. Piescu, I. Pecheanu, V. Iordache, C. Postolache, A. Neagoe, 2000, Results of the monitoring program in the Lower Danube River System related with Yugoslavian conflict In: Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Environmental Contamination, Prague, Czech Republic, CD-ROM format (7 pages) | A | Vadineanu, A., Iordache, V., Neagoe, A., Cristofor, S., Cociug, C., Postolache, C., 2000, Research direction in landscape ecotoxicology, Mengen und Spuren Elemente, 20, 220-227 | A | Adamescu M., C. Cazacu, A. Vadineanu, S. Cristofor, A. Sarbu, V. Iordache, 1999, Relationship between plankton and submerged macrophytes in the Lower Danube Floodplain. Proceedings of the 10th Macrophyte Group Meeting IAD/SIL, Danube Delta, 10-24 | A | Iordache V, S. Cristofor, A. Sirbu, M. Onete, A. Neagoe, M. Adamescu, A. Vadineanu, 1998, The role of the vegetation in the cycling of metals in the Lower Danube floodplain, Proceedings of the 2nd IAD-Macrophyte Group Meeting, 50-60 | A | Cristofor, S., A. Sarbu, A. Vadineanu, G. Ignat, V. Iordache, C. Postolache, C. Dinu, C. Ciubuc, 1997, Effects of Hydrological Regimen on Riparian Vegetation in the Lower Danube Floodplain Internat. Assoc. Danube Res., 32, 233-237, ISBN 3-9500723-0-6 | A | Vadineanu, A., S. Cristofor, G. Ignat, V. Iordache, A. Sarbu, C. Ciubuc, G. Romanca, I. Teodorescu, C. Postolache, M. Adamescu, C. Florescu, 1997, Functional assessment of the Wetlands Ecosystems in the Lower Danube Floodplain, Internat. Assoc. Danube Res., 32: 463-467, ISBN 3-9500723-0-6 | A | Iordache V., C. Postolache, A. Vadineanu, S. Cristofor, G. Ignat, M. Onete, 1997, Effects of hydrological conditions on denitrification in the lower Danube floodplain, Internat. Assoc. Danube Res., 32: 404-408, ISBN 3-9500723-0-6 | A | Postolache, C., V. Iordache, A. Vadineanu, G. Ignat, S. Cristofor, A. Neagoe, C. Florescu, F. Bodescu, 1997, Effects of hydrological conditions on the dynamic of nutrients in the lower Danube floodplain, Internat. Assoc. Danube Res., 32: 5-10, ISBN 3-9500723-0-6 | A | Cristofor, S., A. Vadineanu, A. Sarbu, G. Ignat, G. Romanca, V. Iordache, 1996, Functional role of riparian plant diversity. A theoretical and applied approach for the lower Danube floodplain, Proceedings of the Macrophyte Group Meeting IAD-SIL, Bohinj, Slovenia, 82-90 | A | Lacatusu R., Iordache, V., 2008, Integrated Modeling of Geochemical and Biogeochemical Processes Across Space-Time Scales, 8th International symposium on "Metal elements in environment, medicine and biology", Timisoara - Roumania, December 5-6, 2008 | B | Neagoe Aurora, Iordache Virgil, Florian Bodescu, 2008, Bioaccumulation of metals in food chains of wetlands, 8th International symposium on "Metal elements in environment, medicine and biology", Timisoara - Roumania, December 5-6, 2008 | B | Stefan, I.D., Bodescu, F., Iordache, V., 2007, Quantitative and modelling evaluation of the hydrologic function in the Greaca landscape, Proceedings of the 15th "Deltas and Wetlands" International Symposium, Tulcea | B | Stefan, I.D., Iordache, V., Bodescu, F., 2007, Semiquantitative functional analyses of the landscape Greaca, Proceedings of the 15th "Deltas and Wetlands" International Symposium, Tulcea | B | Neagoe, A., V. Iordache, I. Udrea, 2006, Bioremediation methods for metals contaminated sites: key processes, Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on "Metal elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology", Timisoara, Romania, 217-230, ISBN (10) 973-620-238-0, ISSN 1583-4204 | B | Iordache V., Ruta F., 2006, Wetlands use for the removal of metals from water, Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on "Metal elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology", Timisoara, Romania, 267-276, ISBN (10) 973-620-238-0, ISSN 1583-4204 | B | Iordache, V., A. Neagoe, H. Bergman, 2004, Effects of mycorrhization of Phacelia tanacetifolia on metals accumulation and oxidative stress, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on "Metal elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology", Timisoara, Romania, 105-112, ISBN 973-620-119-8, ISSN 1583-4204 | B | Iordache, V., 2005, Systemic allocation or property rights in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Proceedings of the 13th “Deltas and Wetlands” International Symposium, Tulcea, | B | Iordache, V., F. Bodescu, M. Danciu, 2004, Optimization of floodplain management by action at the level of riparian forests, Proceedings of the 12th “Deltas and Wetlands” International Symposium, Tulcea, 102-108, ISSN 1583-6932, | B | Iordache, V., 2004, Towards the integrated development of Lower Danube Fisheries, Proceedings of 12th the “Deltas and Wetlands” International Symposium, Tulcea, 82-90, ISSN 1583-6932, | B | Neagoe, A., V. Iordache, 2002, Preliminary assessment of the macrophytes role in the export of metals from Fundu Mare Island, Danube floodplain, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Metal Elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology, 245-251 | B | Iordache V., 2002, Preliminary assessment of the pollution risk associated with the restoration of the Danube floodplain, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Metal Elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology, 211-219 | B | Neagoe, A., V. Iordache, F. Bodescu, S. Cristofor, A. Vadineanu, 2001, The gradient of heavy metals in new deposited sediments in the Danube floodplain, Proceedings of the “Deltas and Wetlands” International Symposium, Tulcea, 134-141, | B | Iordache, V., S. Cristofor, A. Vadineanu, 2001, Functional analyses of the Lower Danube wetlands by FAEWE/PROTOWET procedure, Proceedings of the “Deltas and Wetlands” International Symposium, Tulcea, 98-103, ISBN 973-31-2116-9, | B | Iordache, V., S. Cristofor, A. Vadineanu, 2001, Optimization pathways of the decision making process regarding the ecotoxicological effects in the Lower Danube River System, Proceedings of the “Deltas and Wetlands” International Symposium, Tulcea, 91-97, ISBN 973-31-2116-9, | B | Iordache, V, A. Neagoe, A. Cernatoni, M. State, T. Altorfer, E. Preda, S. Cristofor, A. Vadineanu, 2000, Heavy metals in the Danube floodplain related to the Yugoslavian conflict, In: Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Environmental Contamination, Prague, Czech Republic, CD-ROM format (7 pages) | B | Neagoe A., V. Iordache, T. Altorfer, M. Pescaru, A, Vadineanu, 2000, Metals in plants of Danube floodplain: deficiency or excess ?, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on "Metal elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology", Timi]oara, Romania, 14-28 | B | Neagoe A., E. Preda, V. Iordache, M. Anke,1998, The effect of tar exposure of a living area on the copper transfer from soil to plants and humans, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on "Metal elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology", Timisoara, Romania, 65-73 | B | Iordache V., C. Postolache, N. Mihailescu, A. Neagoe, G. Ignat, S. Cristofor, A. Vadineanu, 1998, Distribution patterns of metals in sediments of the Lower Danube System, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Metal Elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology, 45-53 | B | Iordache V., 2003, Risk sources due to heavy metals in Romania, Analele Simpozionului Mediul si Industria Volumul I, Editura Estfalia, Bucuresti, pag. 282-288 | C | Iordache V., 2003, Human ecology – a systems perspective, Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii “Al. I. Cuza” din Iaşi, Serie Biologie Animala, Tom XLIX, 329-336 | C | Iordache, V., 2003, Oportunitati pentru optimizarea evaluarii de risc, Analele sesiunii stiintifice “Un mediu pentru viitor” ICIM Bucuresti, Ed. Promotal, Bucuresti, 213-221 | C | Iordache V., C. Postolache, S. Cristofor, G. Ignat, A. Vadineanu, 1999, Heavy metals distribution in the ecosystems of the Danube floodplain, Proceedings of the 8th Danube Delta Institute Symposium, 356-364 | C | Iordache V., M. Onete, A. Vadineanu, 1999, Heavy metals dynamic in litter from the Danube floodplain, Proceedings of the 8th Danube Delta Institute Symposium, 351-355 | C | Iordache V., F. Bodescu, M. Onete, C. Florescu, A. Neagoe, M. Adamescu, A. Vadineanu, 1997, Effects of hydrology on redox potential in the lower Danube wetlands, Proceedings of the 7th Danube Delta Institute Symposium, 449-459 | C | Iordache V., M. Adamescu, F. Bodescu, S. Cristofor, A. Vadineanu, 1997, Hydrological modeling of Fundu Mare Island (Danube floodplain), Proceedings of the 7th Danube Delta Institute Symposium, 551-562 | C | Iordache V., N. Mihailescu, S. Cristofor, C. Postolache, A. Vadineanu, 1997, Heavy metals distribution in aquatic ecosystems of the Danube Delta, Proceedings of the 7th Danube Delta Institute Symposium, 521-534 | C |
Didactic: Coordonarea lucrărilor de licenţă: Informaţii utile pentru înscriere Model de lucrare studii 4 ani: Stefan Ionuţ-Doru, 2006, Contributii la analiza functionala a complexului de ecosisteme Greaca Model de lucrare studii 3 ani: Mitu Lucica, 2009, Starea lacului de acumulare Vidraru din punct de vedere al ofertei de resurse şi servicii şi al căilor de deteriorare Model de lucrare studii 3 ani: Mandache Andreea, 2010, Depozitele de deşeuri şi impactul lor asupra mediului în judeţul Botoşani Model de lucrare studii 3 ani, 2011: Cojoc Emilia, 2011, Modelarea bioacumulării metalelor grele în plante de cultură din zona Copșa Mică Dumitrescu Vlad, 2011, Contribuții la fundamentarea măsurilor de control al mobilității metalelor în bazinul Ampoiului
2008-2009, semestrul 2, Raspunsurile studentilor la intrebarea "de ce trebuie sa copiem uneori in facultatea noastra ?" 2009-2010, semestrul 2, Standarde si baremuri pentru evaluarea finala la managementul diversitatii biologice, managementul ecosistemelor antropizate si deteriorarea sistemelor ecologice 2009-2010, semestrul 2, Rezultatele finale la disciplina managementul diversitatii biologice Premiul 1 pentru proiect: Tricolici Olga, Tudor Laura, Ratoiu Silvia, Managementul speciilor Oryctolagus cuniculus, Phasianus colchicus si Vulpes vulpes in zona Padurea Cilibiu - Padurea Ciric, judetul Iasi, 92 puncte, 400 RON pentru cumparare de carti din reteaua Humanitas sau Carturesti. Premiul 2 pentru proiect: Chiran Eliza, Mandache Andreea, Ursuleanu Iulia, Conservarea endemitului romanesc Romanichthys valsanicola, 90 puncte, 200 RON pentru cumparare de carti din reteaua Humanitas sau Carturesti. Premiul 3 nu se acorda.
2009-2010, semestrul 2, Rezultatele finale la disciplina managementul sistemelor antropizate Lucrarile cele mai bune: Chiran Eliza, Servicii de mentinere a bidiversitatii asociate pescariilor si analiza functional comparativa in regiunea inundabila a Dunarii la trei momente de timp, 120 puncte Tricolici Olga, Serviciul de retentie a nutrientilor la nivelul pescariilor din sistemul Dunarii inferioare: analiza critica a cunoasterii, analiza functionala comparativa si aplicatie la balta Crapina, 115 puncte Scarlat Oana, Analiza functionala a regiunii inundabile a Dunarii privind cuplul pescarii - biodiversitate, 105 puncte Prisacariu Irina, Agrosisteme si servicii hidrologice in regiunea inundabila a Dunarii: analiza critica a cunoasterii si comparatie la trei momente de timp, 100 puncte
2009-2010, semestrul 2, Rezultatele finale la disciplina deteriorarea sistemelor ecologice Lucrarile cele mai bune: Tricolici Olga, Deteriorarea zonelor umede prin poluare cu nutrienti, 115 puncte Scarlat Oana, Deteriorarea capitalului natural prin poluarea cu deseuri municipale, 100 puncte Prisacariu Irina, Potentialul de utilizare a diversitatii microorganismelor din ecosistemele naturale in biotehnologii alimentare, 100 puncte
2009-2010 Ce trebuie facut pentru sustinerea restantelor sau a maririlor de nota la MDB, MSA, sau DET 2009-2010 Feedback din partea studentilor 2010-2011, semestrul 2, Rezultatele finale la disciplina managementul diversitatii biologice Cele mai bune proiecte: Gogu Mirela, Dumitrescu Vlad, Ilie Andreea-Elena, Cojoc Emilia, Oportunităţi în managementul speciilor de Ursus arctos L. 1758, Lynx lynx L. 1758 şi a grupurilor de organisme reprezentate prin Bryophyta şi Coniferophyta prin modificarea statutului Parcului Natural Putna-Vrancea Băntoiu Anca, Gogoanță Amira, Stan Alina, Managementul speciilor Lucanus cervus, Cordulegaster heros, Rosalia alpina, în parcul național Porțile de Fier
2010-2011, semestrul 2, Rezultatele finale la disciplina managementul sistemelor antropizate 2010-2011, semestrul 2, Rezultatele finale la disciplina deteriorarea sistemelor ecologice Studenți excepționali 2010-2011 (apreciere pe baza rezultatelor finale la cele trei discipline, în ordinea punctajului total): Andreea Csolti, Emilia Cojoc, Andrei Ion, Andreea Ilie, Vlad Dumitrescu, Mirela Gogu, Darmina Niță, Anca Marangoci
2010-2011 Feedback din partea studentilor